SCHOOL BLOGS - Blogues do Cole

30 nov 2016


Last Thursday, 24th of November was special. We celebrated Thanksgiving with teacher Ann. We had to think of "Things we are thankful for". It's great to understand how lucky we are with the things we have.
All pupils in Primary made a big turkey. Each one had to write something " I am thankful for ..."

O pasado xoves, día 24 de novembro, foi especial. Nós celebramos Acción de grazas coa profe Ann. Tiñamos que pensar "Cousas polas que estamos agradecidos". É fabuloso entender o afortunados que somos polas cousas que temos.
Todo o alumnado de Primaria completou un gran pavo. Cada quen tiña que escribir algo polo que dar GRAZAS.


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